Techinservice Company has implemented successful launching of the first start-up complex of distillation-rectification plant on the alcohol production facilities of European company Zaharni Zavodi AD in the Republic of Bulgaria.
Distillation column, rectification column, fusel oil column
As a result of the launching of the new plant the product was achieved - food-grade ethyl alcohol with physiochemical indicators superior to demands both European and domestic standards (link to comparison table). In the obtained product injurious impurities are absent, typical for all know alcohol productions (link to chromatogram). It’s worth to remark that except of achievement of phenomenal quality of end product and complete robot automation of technological process, Techinservice company has succeed in unequalled energy efficiency of production (steam flow for process is not exceed 2,0 kg per liter of finished product).
In the company’s plan views till the end of the current year to put into operation the second start-up complex of represented project, what permits to achieve mentioned above product in the form of dehydrated ethyl alcohol with the highest quality.
Rectification column and fusel oil column. Top of impurities concentration column
Membrane module. Separator ofCO2 and condenser of separator