Press Centre

Launching the line of barking, sorting and cutting of wood at the Sawmill plant in Korosten


At the woodworking plant in the city of Korosten, Zhytomyr region, by joint efforts of the Ukrainian Holding Sawmill Company, the Grebenkovsky Machine-Building Plant and the Techinservice Industrial Group, the main technological lines of the enterprise were successfully launched: a line for debarking and sorting round timber, as well as a sawing and drying workshop.

The production capacity of which is 1.250 million cubic meters of wood per year.

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General view of the plant.


As a result of sorting by diameter, round timber is stored in piles in an open warehouse, from where it is fed to the sawing line by a mobile wheel loader.
From the wood sawing workshop, finished products come out in the form of edged boards or beams of a given size, sorted and stacked on pallets. The resulting products are completely ready for further processing in drying chambers. Non-standardized cuttings of wood are crushed into chips in the corresponding mechanisms of the sawing shop, which can be sold to consumers or used as solid fuel for the boiler house of the enterprise. Sawdust after sawing wood is used as raw material in the production of energy pellets.

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Wood sawing workshop.


Debarking and sorting of round timber is carried out automatically according to a predetermined program. The bark, removed from the trunks, is sent by a conveyor to an open warehouse and is then used as solid fuel for the hot-water boiler house of the enterprise.

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Round wood debarking line.


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Feed to the sawing line.


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Sorting line.